News post

2024 Tax Update

April 5, 2024

Attention all Kaufman 1C residents. The Board of Directors would like to make you aware of an upcoming rate increase that you will notice on your next bill. The Board of Directors are aware of the increased burden associated with higher tax rates and have actively worked over the past decade to keep rates as low as possible for the benefit of the residents. However, due to cost increases and maintenance improvement needs the decision has been made to increase the tax rates to an appropriate amount, allowing these present needs to be met. Below you will find a breakdown of the new rates and cost examples that align with the needs of your District. 

1c tax table
  • Cost of repairs for water and sewer infrastructure have increased.
  • Cost of materials and labor at the district's water and sewer facilities have increased.
  • Cost of labor and materials for items needed in basic district maintenance have increased. (i.e. meter boxes, valve and fire hydrants, and paving)

Your Board of Directors will continue to work for the betterment of the residents and District facilities. If anyone has any questions regarding the new rates please reach out to us using the Contact Us section of the District website. Thank you